Variables of Bronchiectasis Survival Identified in Study

Until now, little research had been conducted into the mortality rates of non-cystic fibrosis bronchiectasis patients. However, a study group at a Turkish hospital have looked into the variables concerned with survival and death rates of the disease.

Characteristics of bronchiectasis depend on the underlying cause of the disease. 

In a bid to target bronchiectasis patients with more effective treatments, the study looked at different factors which could impact survival including the age of the patients, partial oxygen pressure,  if they had any other existing health conditions, if they smoked, and if they had a pseudomonas aeruginosa infection.

The study looked at a total of 56 patients—29 women and 27 men—and collected data over an eight-year period. The research concluded that comorbidities, pseudomonas aeruginosa, age and partial oxygen pressure contributed to higher mortality rates, but surprisingly smoking, treatment regimes and vaccinations did not. Find out more about this study here.

Non-cystic fibrosis bronchiectasis patients successfully treated with inhaled antibiotics. Find out more. 

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